cooper bussmann

170M Square Body DIN 43653-690V / 700V(IEC/UL):10-400A

170M - 690V/700V (IEC/UL) 10-400A

Description: Square body DIN 43-653 stud mount high speed fuses.
Dimensions: See dimensions illustration.

Volts: 690Vac (IEC)/ 700Vac (UL)
Amps: 10-400A
IR: 200kA RMS Sym.
Agency Information: CE, Designed and tested to IEC 60269: Part 4, UL Recognized. UL Recognition/CSA Component Acceptance on Size 000.

Electrical Characteristics
Total Clearing I2t

The total clearing I2t at rated voltage and at power factor of 15% are given in the electrical characteristics. For other voltages, the clearing I2t is found by multiplying by correction factor, K, given as a function of applied working voltage, Eg, (rms).

Dimensions (mm)
Type -U/80, -/80, -TN/80

Arc Voltage

This curve gives the peak arc voltage, UL, which may appear across the fuse during its operation as a function of the applied working voltage, Eg, (rms) at a power factor
of 15%.

Power Losses

Watts loss at rated current is given in the electrical characteristics. The curve allows the calculation of the power losses at load currents lower than the rated current. The correction factor, Kp, is given as a function of the RMS load current, Ib, in % of the rated current.

Features and Benefits
• Excellent DC performance
• Low arc voltage and low energy let-through (I2t)
• Low watts loss
• Superior cycling capability

Typical Applications
• DC common bus
• DC drives
• Power converters/rectifiers
• Reduced voltage starters

Catalog Numbers Size Electrical Characteristics
-U/80 Without Indicator -/80 Visual Indicator -TN/80 Type T Indicator for Micro 00B/60 Visual Indicator 00BTN/60 Type T Indicator for Micro Rated Current RMS-Amps I2t(A2 Sec) Watts Loss
Pre-arc Clearing at 660V
170M1308 170M1358 170M1408     000 10A 3.8 25.5 3
170M1309 170M1359 170M1409 16A 7.2 48 5.5
170M1310 170M1360 170M1410 20A 11.5 78 7
170M1311 170M1361 170M1411 25A 19 130 9
170M1312 170M1362 170M1412 32A 40 270 10
170M1313 170M1363 170M1413 40A 69 460 12
170M1314 170M1364 170M1414 50A 115 770 15
170M1315 170M1365 170M1415 63A 215 1450 16
170M1316 170M1366 170M1416 80A 380 2550 19
170M1317 170M1367 170M1417 100A 695 4650 24
170M1318 170M1368 170M1418 125A 1200 8500 28
170M1319 170M1369 170M1419 160A 2300 16000 32
170M1320 170M1370 170M1420 200A 4200 28000 37
170M1321 170M1371 170M1421 250A 7750 51500 42
170M1322 170M1372 170M1422 315A 12000 80500 52
  170M2608 170M2658 170M2708 170M2758 00 25A 19 130 6
170M2609 170M2659 170M2709 170M2759 32A 28.5 195 7
170M2610 170M2660 170M2710 170M2760 40A 50 360 9
170M2611 170M2661 170M2711 170M2761 50A 95 640 10
170M2612 170M2662 170M2712 170M2762 63A 170 1200 12
170M2613 170M2663 170M2713 170M2763 80A 310 2100 15
170M2614 170M2664 170M2714 170M2764 100A 620 4150 20
170M2615 170M2665 170M2715 170M2765 125A 1000 6950 25
170M2616 170M2666 170M2716 170M2766 160A 1900 13000 30
170M2617 170M2667 170M2717 170M2767 200A 3400 23000 35
170M2618 170M2668 170M2718 170M2768 250A 6250 42000 45
170M2619 170M2669 170M2719 170M2769 315A 10000 68500 55
170M2620 170M2670 170M2720 170M2770 350A 13500 91500 60
170M2621 170M2671 170M2721 170M2771 400A 18000 12500 70

Size 000 - 10-315A: 690V
Time-Current Curve

Peak Let-Through Curve

Size 00 - 25-400A: 690V
Time-Current Curve

Peak Let-Through Curve
总机: 0755-82862885, 82862629
传真: 总机 转 801