cooper bussmann

170M Square Body US Style-690V / 700V(IEC):40-2000A

Square body US style high speed fuses.

Volts: 690Vac (IEC); 700Vac (UL)
Amps: 40-200A
IR: 200kA RMS Sym.

Agency Information;
CE, Designed and tested to IEC 60269: Part 4, UL Recognized. Consult Cooper Bussmann or Bolfmax for UL Recognition/ CSA Component Acceptance status.

Electrical Characteristics
Total Clearing I2t

The total clearing I2t at rated voltage and at power factor of 15% are given in the electrical characteristics. For other voltages, the clearing I2t is found by multiplying by correction factor, K, given as a function of applied working voltage, Eg, (rms).

Arc Voltage

This curve gives the peak arc voltage, UL, which may appear across the fuse during its operation as a function of the applied working voltage, Eg, (rms) at a power factor
of 15%.

Power Losses

Watts loss at rated current is given in the electrical characteristics. The curve allows the calculation of the power losses at load currents lower than the rated current. The correction factor, Kp, is given as a function of the RMS load current, Ib, in % of the rated current.

Features and Benefits
• Excellent DC performance
• Low arc voltage and low energy let-through (I2t)
• Low watts loss
• Superior cycling capability

Typical Applications
• DC common bus
• DC drives
• Power converters/rectifiers
• Reduced voltage starters

Dimensions (mm)
Type -FU/-, -FKE/-, FU/115-, -FKE/115
Size A B B** C1 C1** C2 C2** D 3 H I
1*  50 110 148 85 123 72 110 59 45 20 10
1 50 136 157 104 126 78 100 69 53 25 14
2 50 135 159 105 125 78 99 77 61 25 14
3 51 135 155 106 125 77 97 92 76 36 16
**Valid for fuses type -FU/115 & -FKE/115.
1mm = 0.0394” / 1” = 25.4mm

Catalog Numbers
Catalog Numbers Size Electrical Characteristics
-FU/- Without Indicator -FKE/- Type K Indicator for Micro -FU/115 Without Indicator -FKE/115 Type K Indicator for Micro Rated Current RMS-Amps I2t(A2 Sec) Watts Loss
Pre-arc Clearing at 660V
170M3608 170M3658 170M3708 170M3758 1* 40A 40 270 9
170M3609 170M3659 170M3709 170M3759 50A 77 515 11
170M3610 170M3660 170M3710 170M3760 63A 115 770 14
170M3611 170M3661 170M3711 170M3761 80A 185 1250 18
170M3612 170M3662 170M3712 170M3762 100A 360 2450 21
170M3613 170M3663 170M3713 170M3763 125A 550 3700 26
170M3614 170M3664 170M3714 170M3764 160A 1100 7500 30
170M3615 170M3665 170M3715 170M3765 200A 2200 15000 35
170M3616 170M3666 170M3716 170M3766 250A 4200 28500 40
170M3617 170M3667 170M3717 170M3767 315A 7000 46500 50
170M3618 170M3668 170M3718 170M3768 350A 10000 68500 55
170M3619 170M3669 170M3719 170M3769 400A 15000 105000 60
170M3620 170M3670 170M3720 170M3770 450A 21000 140000 65
170M3621 170M3671 170M3721 170M3771 500A 27000 180000 70
170M3622 170M3672 170M3722 170M3772 550A 34000 230000 75
170M3623 170M3673 170M3723 170M3773 630A 48500 325000 80
170M4608 170M4658 170M4708 170M4758 1 200A 1650 11500 45
170M4609 170M4659 170M4709 170M4759 250A 3100 21000 55
170M4610 170M4660 170M4710 170M4760 315A 6200 42000 58
170M4611 170M4661 170M4711 170M4761 350A 8500 59000 60
170M4612 170M4662 170M4712 170M4762 400A 13500 91500 65
170M4613 170M4663 170M4713 170M4763 450A 17000 120000 70
170M4614 170M4664 170M4714 170M4764 500A 25000 170000 72
170M4615 170M4665 170M4715 170M4765 550A 34000 230000 75
170M4616 170M4666 170M4716 170M4766 630A 52000 350000 80
170M4617 170M4667 170M4717 170M4767 700A 69500 465000 85
170M4618 170M4668 170M4718 170M4768 800A 105000 725000 95
170M4619 170M4669 170M4719 170M4769 ‡900A 155000 ‡50000 100
170M5608 170M5658 170M5708 170M5758 2 400A 11000 74000 65
170M5609 170M5659 170M5709 170M5759 450A 15500 105000 70
170M5610 170M5660 170M5710 170M5760 500A 21500 145000 75
170M5611 170M5661 170M5711 170M5761 550A 28000 190000 80
170M5612 170M5662 170M5712 170M5762 630A 41000 275000 90
170M5613 170M5663 170M5713 170M5763 700A 60500 405000 95
170M5614 170M5664 170M5714 170M5764 800A 86000 575000 105
170M5615 170M5665 170M5715 170M5765 900A 125000 840000 110
170M5616 170M5666 170M5716 170M5766 1000A 180000 1250000 115
170M5617 170M5667 170M5717 170M5767 1100A 245000 1600000 120
170M5618 170M5668 170M5718 170M5768 1250A 365000 2400000 130
170M6608 170M6658 170M6708 170M6758 3 500A 14000 95000 95
170M6609 170M6659 170M6709 170M6759 550A 19500 135000 100
170M6610 170M6660 170M6710 170M6760 630A 31000 210000 105
170M6611 170M6661 170M6711 170M6761 700A 44500 300000 110
170M6612 170M6662 170M6712 170M6762 800A 69500 465000 115
170M6613 170M6663 170M6713 170M6763 900A 100000 670000 120
170M6614 170M6664 170M6714 170M6764 1000A 140000 945000 125
170M6615 170M6665 170M6715 170M6765 1100A 190000 1300000 130
170M6616 170M6666 170M6716 170M6766 1250A 290000 1950000 140
170M6617 170M6667 170M6717 170M6767 1400A 370000 2450000 155
170M6618 170M6668 170M6718 170M6768 1500A 460000 3100000 160
170M6619 170M6669 170M6719 170M6769 1600A 580000 3900000 160
170M6620 170M6670 170M6720 170M6770 †1800A 880000 †250000 165
170M6621 170M6671 170M6721 170M6771 ‡2000A 1150000 ‡350000 175
†Rated voltage (IEC) 600V.
‡Rated voltage (IEC) 550V.
• Watts loss provided at rated current.
• Microswitch indicator ordered separately.

Size 1* - 40-630A: 690V Time-Current Curve

Size 1* - 40-630A: 690V Peak Let-Through Curve

Size 1 - 200-900A: 690V Time-Current Curve

Size 1 - 200-900A: 690V Peak Let-Through Curve

900 amp fuse is derated to 550V (IEC).

Size 2 - 200-900A: 690V Time-Current Curve

Size 2 - 200-900A: 690V Peak Let-Through Curve

Size 3 - 200-900A: 690V Time-Current Curve

Size 3 - 200-900A: 690V Peak Let-Through Curve

1800A fuse is derated to 600V (IEC).
2000A fuse is derated to 550V (IEC).
总机: 0755-82862885, 82862629
传真: 总机 转 801